


returnstring = Server.UrlPathEncode(s)

Returns a string containing a URL whose path portion is encoded using the URL literal equivalents of symbols such as slash (/), colon (:), and dot (.). The method also encodes any spaces in the remaining portion of the URL, since spaces in the query string may be unexpectedly truncated by some browsers.



A String variable to receive the encoded string from the method.


A String variable containing the URL to be encoded by the method.


The code example declares two string variables, sets the value of StrToEncode, assigns the return value of the Server.UrlPathEncode call to StrToReturn, and then writes the value to the browser as part of a hyperlink:

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Dim StrToEncode As String
   Dim StrToReturn As String
   StrToEncode = ""
   StrToReturn = Server.UrlPathEncode(StrToEncode)
   Message.Text = "<a href=""UrlPathEncode.aspx?target=" & _
      StrToReturn & """>" & StrToReturn & "</a><br/>"
   Message.Text &= "Target = " & Request("Target")
End Sub


This method existed in classic ASP, but was undocumented.

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