


IPrincipal = Page.User

Returns an instance of an object implementing the IPrincipal interface containing security information about the user making the page request. The IPrincipal interface implements the following members:



Identity property

Returns the IIdentity object representing the user requesting the page

IsInRole property

Indicates whether the user requesting the page is in a particular role



An object variable that implements IPrincipal.


The example obtains the user’s authentication status and name using the User property and displays it in the browser:

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Message.Text = "Authenticated: " & _
      User.Identity.IsAuthenticated & "<br/>"
   Message.Text &= "User Name: " & User.Identity.Name
End Sub


In order for the IPrincipal object returned by the User property to be populated, some form of authentication must be configured in either machine.config or web.config, and at a minimum, an authorization rule must be configured that excludes anonymous users. If these conditions are not met, the IsAuthenticated property of the IIdentity object will return False and the Name property will return an empty string.

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