


String = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(ByVal virtualPath_
                                       As String)

Given a virtual path to a resource, returns a string containing a new virtual path containing the SessionID. This new virtual path can be used to create absolute URLs for use in applications that use cookieless Sessions.



A String argument that will receive the modified virtual path.


A String argument containing the virtual path to be modified.


The following example retrieves a virtual path including the SessionID and displays the path by using the Text property of the Message label control:

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Dim NewPath As String
   NewPath = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(Request.Path)
   Message.Text = "Modified virtual path = " & NewPath
End Sub

The web.config file to set the Session state handler to use cookieless Sessions is shown below:

      <sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true"/>


This method is very useful when making use of the cookieless Session state functionality introduced by ASP.NET. If the cookieless attribute of the sessionState config section in web.config is not set to True, this method will simply return the virtual path passed in without modification.

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