


HttpCookieCollection = Response.Cookies

The Cookies collection returns an instance of the HttpCookieCollection class containing all cookies sent as a part of the current request. The HttpCookieCollection class contains an instance of the HttpCookie class for each cookie passed as part of the client request. The properties of these HttpCookie instances can be used to access information about the cookie(s). The Cookies collection of the Response class supports the following set of properties:


Returns a string array of all keys in the collection.


Returns an integer count of the number of name/value pairs in the collection.

Item( Index|Key )

Returns an instance of the collection class based on the index or passed-in key. This is the default property, which is why calling:

Response.Cookies (KeyVal)

returns the HttpCookie instance corresponding to KeyVal.


Returns a collection of the keys for the collection.

In addition, the HttpCookieCollection class exposes the following methods:

CopyTo( Array, Index )

Copies the contents of the collection object to the provided Array argument, starting at the provided Index argument. Note that the array must be dimensioned to a sufficient size to contain the collection before calling CopyTo.

GetKey( Index )

Returns a string containing the key corresponding to the provided Index argument.

As in classic ASP, the Cookies collection is still implemented as a collection (in fact, the HttpCookieCollection class inherits ...

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