


Boolean = Page.SmartNavigation
Page.SmartNavigation = Boolean

Returns or sets a Boolean indicating whether the SmartNavigation feature is turned on. The SmartNavigation feature, which is compatible only with Internet Explorer, uses <iframe> elements to allow only portions of the page to be refreshed when the page is posted back. This can help eliminate the annoying visual flicker associated with postbacks.



A Boolean value that indicates whether or not SmartNavigation is enabled.


The following code example sets the SmartNavigation property to True using the SmartNavigation attribute of the @ Page directive. When the page is posted back, only the current page will be stored in the browser’s history, so the Back button will be disabled.

<%@ Page Language="vb" SmartNavigation="True" %>
      <title>SmartNavigation property example</title>
      <script runat="server">
         Sub Page_Load(  )
            Message.Text = "This Label will change."
            Message2.Text = "This Label will not change."
         End Sub
         Sub UpdateLabel(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
            Message.Text = "This Label has changed."
         End Sub
   <form runat="server">
      <asp:label id="Message" runat="server"/>
      <asp:button id="update" 
         text="Click to update label text"
   <asp:label id="Message2" runat="server"/>


In addition to eliminating flicker when navigating or posting back, SmartNavigation maintains the current ...

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