How to do it...

  1. First, we will create a Result class. This class will be returned by the Service layer. It allows us to manage the error messages to log and to display to the views:
public class Result{  public bool IsSuccess { get; }  public string SuccessMessageToLog { get; set; }  public string ErrorToLog { get; }  public string ErrorToDisplay { get; set; }  public ErrorType? ErrorType { get; }  public bool IsFailure => !IsSuccess;  protected Result(bool isSuccess, string error, ErrorType? errorType)  {    if ((isSuccess && error != string.Empty) ||    (isSuccess && !errorType.HasValue))    throw new InvalidOperationException();    if ((!isSuccess && error == string.Empty) ||    (isSuccess && errorType.HasValue))    throw new InvalidOperationException(); IsSuccess ...

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