How to do it...

  1. First, let's create a new project by clicking New | Project | ASP.NET Core Web Application | Web application to create a web application running with ASP.NET Core:
When you run a web application in Visual Studio 2017, you have the choice to develop, debug, and deploy a web application in two different runtime versions, which have themselves two versions for the processor architecture as follows:
  • CLR x86 (.NET 4.6 in 32 bits, only for Windows)
  • CLR x64 (.NET 4.6 in 64 bits, only for Windows)
  • CoreCLR x86 (.NET Core in 32 bits, cross-platform)
  • CoreCLR x64 (.NET Core in 64 bits, cross-platform)
  1. Let's do our first deployment ...

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