How to do it...

In this example, we notice that we can have enums, constructors, instantiating classes, and so on. Let's create a new file, name it chessboard-sample.ts, and write the following code:

enum PieceColor { White = 1, Black = 2 } enum PieceType { Pawn = 1, Bishop = 2, Knight = 3, Rook = 4, Queen = 5, King = 6 } interface Piece { type: PieceType; color: PieceColor; } class Block { isEven: boolean; row: number; col: number; piece: Piece; constructor(row: number, col: number) { this.row = row; this.col = col; this.isEven = row % 2 ? !(col % 2) : !!(col % 2); } } class Board { blocks: Array<Block> = []; placePieceOnBoard(piece: Piece, row: number, col: number) { this.blocks[(row * 8) + (col * 8)].piece = piece; } } let game = new Board(); ...

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