How to do it...

We'll create a new ASP.NET Core Web project and add the required libraries to use cookies to hold authenticated user information in it:

  1. Let's create a new ASP.NET Core web project and configure it using cookie authentication:
dotnet new web -n CookieAuthenticationSample 
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies 
dotnet restore 
  1. Now we need to add the following line in the Startup.cs file before the app.UseMvc() or app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() lines in the Configure() method:
  1. We also need to add the following line in ConfigureServices() method, before the services.AddMvc() line, as follows:
 services.AddAuthentication("CookieAuthenticationScheme") .AddCookie("CookieAuthenticationScheme", ...

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