How it works...

A view component/controller is created as a controller inheriting from the Controller class. It can be a hybrid object if:

  • It's decorated by the ViewComponent attribute with a ViewComponent name as parameter:
[ViewComponent(Name = "BasketComponent")] 
public class ProductController : Controller 
  • It contains an Invoke() method that returns an IViewComponentResult. The ViewData property of the ViewViewComponent object returned is the name of the .cshtml view component:
public IViewComponentResult Invoke() 
  List<string> listeData = new List<string>(); 
  return new ViewViewComponentResult() 
    ViewName = "BasketData", 
    ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary<IEnumerable<string>> 
    (ViewData, listeData) 
  }; }

When it is invoked, the searched ...

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