How to do it...

  1. First, the class we create has to implement IRouter and the RouteAsync method:
public class ProductsRouter : IRouter 
        private readonly Route _innerRoute; 
        public VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath 
(VirtualPathContext context) 
        { return null; } 
        public Task RouteAsync(RouteContext context) 
            // Test QueryStrings 
            var qs = context.HttpContext.Request.Query; 
            var price = qs["price"]; 
            { return Task.FromResult(0); } 
            var routeData = new RouteData(); 
            routeData.Values["controller"] = "Products"; 
            routeData.Values["action"] = "Details"; 
            routeData.DataTokens["price"] = price; 
            context.RouteData = routeData; 
            return _innerRoute.RouteAsync(context); 
  1. Next, let's create an extension method to add this route ...

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