How to do it...

Now we can add a script tag in the body element and use lodash functions:

<script> var teams = ["Barcelona", "Real Madrid", "Manchester United", "Borissia Dortmund", "Chelsea", "Arsenal", "Bayern Munich", "Milan", "Juventus", "Galatasaray"]; console.log("First element in teams: ", _.first(teams)); console.log("Last element in teams: ", _.last(teams)); var books = [ { title: "Matrix", price: 40 }, { title: "Lord of the Rings", price: 30 }, { title: "Harry Potter", price: 30 }, { title: "White Fang", price: 5 }, { title: "Godfather", price: 25 } ]; console.log("Name of the cheapest book is ", _.chain(books).sortBy('price').first().value().title) console.log("Available chars:", _.times(26, function(x) { return String.fromCharCode(65+x); ...

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