Updating the appsettings.json file

The next thing to do is to define the Configuration keys we just added within the Startup.cs file in the appsettings.json file, just after the already existing Jwt entry:

"Auth": {  "Jwt": {    "Issuer": "http://www.testmakerfree.com/",    "Audience": "http://www.testmakerfree.com/",    "Key": "---your-jwt-key---",    "TokenExpirationInMinutes": 120  },  "Facebook": {    "AppId": "---your-app-id---",    "AppSecret": "---your-app-secret---"  }},
IMPORTANT: Storing these values in plain text inside the appsettings.json file is not recommended, because they can be easily accessed by unauthorized people (network admins, server admins, and so on) or even checked into some public source control repositories by some developer's mistake. ...

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