20.10. Using the Debugger Keys and Toolbar

If you're new to VWD, you might start debugging by using the Debug menu items. We all have our own styles, but many of us slip into using keystrokes for efficiency. By using the function keys in Table 20-1, you won't take your eyes off the code and debugger panes during a debugging session.

If you prefer clicking buttons to debug (see Figure 20-15), detach the Debug toolbar and place it near the code where it's handy.

Table 20-1. Debugger Keystroke Commands
F5Start/Continue DebuggingRuns (or continues running) the current page in the debugger. If you've used the Set As Start Page command on a different file, it runs that one.
Shift+F5Stop DebuggingEnds the debugging session and closes the browser instance.
 Break AllPauses the execution and enters break mode. Try using this if your code's caught in a loop.
Ctl+Shift+F5RestartRestarts execution of the page without forcing a recompile.
F11Step IntoExecute statements one at a time, including called functions and methods.
F10Step OverExecute statements one at a time except execute called methods and functions as an uninterrupted block.
Shift+F11Step OutFinish executing the remaining statements in the current function or method without stopping.
 Show Next StatementMove the insertion point to the line of code to execute next. It's not always obvious that anything has happened when you use this.
Figure 20-15. The Debug toolbar buttons.

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