
Execute (Connection Object)


Set rsObj = connObj .Execute( CommandText,_ _RecordsAffected , Options )
(if the call to Execute returns records)
connObj.Execute( CommandText, RecordsAffected, Options)
(if the call to Execute does not return records)

Executes a query, SQL statement, or stored procedure. If it results in the creation of a recordset, that recordset can be immediately assigned to a Recordset object variable.



A Recordset object that you want initialized and set equal to the collection of records returned by the call to the Execute method.


The name of the Connection object whose Execute method you are calling.


A string value representing a SQL statement, table name, stored procedure, or data provider-specific command.


An optional Long variable that, when the method returns, indicates how many records were affected by the call.


See Options parameter of the Execute (Command Object) method earlier in this chapter.


The following example demonstrates how you might use the Execute method of a Connection object to create a read-only, forward-only recordset from the Sales table.

<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Response.Buffer = True %> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ADO Examples</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <% ' Include ADOVBS.INC so we can use the ADO constants. %> <!-- #include virtual = "/bc_SSIncludes/" --> <% ' Instantiate an ADO Connection object. Set objDBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ...

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