
ConnectionTimeout (Connection Object) — objConn .ConnectionTimeout (= lngNumSeconds )


Sets or retrieves the number of seconds ADO will wait while attempting to establish a connection before raising an error. The default value for this property is 15 seconds.



A long that represents the number of seconds ADO will wait while attempting to establish a connection to the underlying data provider.


For an example of the ConnectionTimeout property, see the code example for the ConnectionString property.


You can instruct ADO to wait indefinitely for the connection to the underlying data provider to be established by setting the value of the ConnectionTimeout property to 0.

Note, however, that it is imperative to remember the current setting of the Server object's ScriptTimeout property. (The default of the ScriptTimeout property is 90 seconds.) For example, suppose the ScriptTimeout is set to 30 seconds and the ConnectionTimeout for the Connection object on an active server page is set to 45 seconds. You may not be able to see the result of attempting to establish a connection to the underlying data provider regardless of success or failure.

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