
ConnectionString (Connection Object) — objConn .ConnectionString (= strConnectionString )


Specifies or retrieves the information used to establish an open connection to an underlying data provider.



A string value made up of the following elements (in order) broken up by semicolons.


The name of the underlying OLE DB data provider for the connection.

Data Source=

The name of a data source for the underlying data provider. For example, for SQL Server or Access, this represents a registered ODBC data source name.

User ID=

The username to use when establishing the connection.


The password to use when establishing the connection.

File Name=

The name of a data provider-specific file. This could, for example, represent a text file containing preset connection information. Using a File Name element in your ConnectionString loads the provider into memory. For this reason, you cannot have both a Provider and a File Name element in your ConnectionString property value.

Remote Provider=

(For use with Remote Date Services only.) The name of the data provider to use on the server when opening a client-side connection.

Remote Server=

(For use with Remote Date Services only.) The path name of the remote server to use when opening a client-side connection.


An absolute URL identifying a resource such as a file or a directory.


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