
ActiveConnection (Command, Recordset Objects) — Obj .ActiveConnection (= strConnectionName )


Indicates an open Connection object to which a Recordset or Command object belongs.



A reference to a Command or Recordset object


The name of a valid, open Connection object


This example demonstrates how you set the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object. To set the ActiveConnection property of a Command object, you would use exactly the same technique.

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
' Include ADOVBS.INC so we can use the ADO constants.
<!-- #include virtual = "/MySSIncludes/" -->
' Instantiate an ADO Connection object.
Set objDBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

' Construct the connection string for the Connection object.
strConn = _
   "driver={SQL Server};;uid=sa;pwd=;database=SalesDB"

' Using the connection string, open the connection.
objDBConn.Open strConn

' Instantiate an ADO Recordset object.
Set rsHighSales = _
' Set the ActiveConnection property of the recordset.
rsHighSales.ActiveConnection = objDBConn ' Construct the SQL to be used to open the recordset. strSQL = _ "SELECT Buyer, Price FROM Sales WHERE Price > 70000" ' Open the recordset. Note the lack of a connection ' object specification. rsHighSales.Open strSQL %> First Buyer: <%=rsHighSales("Buyer")%><BR> First Price: ...

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