
Write (TextStream Object) — tsObj .Write( strWriteString )


Writes a specified string to an open text file at the current location of the file pointer.



A string that represents the text you wish to write to the open file



' Dimension local variables. 
Dim fsoObject   ' FileSystemObject
Dim filObject   ' File Object
Dim tsObject    ' TextStream object
Dim strEnding
' Declare file access constants.
Const ForAppending = 8
Const TristateFalse = 0

' Initialize string variable. This string will be 
' written to the end of the file opened next.
strEnding = "This is the end, my only friend, the end..."
' Instantiate the FileSystemObject variable.
Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject( _
' Using the GetFile method of fsoObject, initialize the
' File object.
Set filObject = fsoObject.GetFile("d:\docs\test.txt")

' Use the OpenAsTextStream method to open the file for 
' appending and in Unicode format.
Set tsObject = filObject.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, TristateFalse)
' Write a short string to the end of the opened file.
tsObject.Write strEnding
. . . [additional code]



The Write method does not place any characters at the beginning or end of each written string. For this reason, if you use the Write method to add to a file, make sure that you include any desired characters (like spaces or newline characters) at the beginning or end of the strings you write to the file.

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