
DateCreated (File Object, Folder Object) — Obj .DateCreated


A date value that represents the date the file or folder was created. This is a read-only value controlled by the operating system.





' Dimension local variables. 
Dim fsoObject    ' FileSystemObject.
Dim fdrObject    ' Folder object.
Dim datCreated   ' Date variable.

' Instantiate the FileSystemObject variable.
Set fsoObject = Server.CreateObject( _
' Using the GetFolder method of fsoObject, initialize 
' a Folder object
Set fdrObject = fsoObject.GetFolder("c:\Docs")
' Retrieve the date the folder was created.
datCreated = fdrObject.DateCreated
. . . [additional code]



The value of this property indicates the date the file was created, not the date the file was written to the current drive.

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