
Get — objCounter .Get( strCounterName )


Retrieves the current value of any counter held in the Counters component. If the counter name you provide is not yet stored by the Counters component, a new counter is added and given a value of zero (0).



A string that represents the name of the counter variable you wish to manipulate. This name can contain any Unicode character.


The following example assumes a Counters object already exists (see "Instantiating the Counters Component" earlier in this chapter) and demonstrates the use of the Get method. It assumes a Counters component (gobjOptionCounter) has been instantiated elsewhere.

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Favorite Games</TITLE> <BODY> <% ' Dimension local variables. Dim intDoom Dim intQuake Dim intQuake2 ' Initialize the preceding variables using the current ' values of the corresponding counters in the Counters ' object (instantiated elsewhere). intDoom = gobjOptionCounter.Get("FavGameCounter_Doom") intQuake = gobjOptionCounter.Get("FavGameCounter_Quake") intQuake2 = gobjOptionCounter.Get("FavGameCounter_Quake2") ' Display the current vote tallies for favorite game. %> Here are the current vote counts for favorite game:<BR> <TABLE WIDTH = 50%> <TR> <TD WIDTH = 50%> Doom </TD> <TD WIDTH = 50%> <%= intDoom %> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH = 50%> Quake </TD> <TD WIDTH = 50%> <%= intQuake %> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH = 50%> Quake 2 </TD> <TD WIDTH = 50%> <%= intQuake2 %> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY></HTML> ...

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