
GetAllContent — objContentRotator.GetAllContent( strContentSchedFile)


Retrieves all the HTML snippets listed in the content schedule file. When you display the content from the call to GetAllContent, each snippet will be separated by a horizontal rule tag (<HR>) in the HTML.



A string value representing the virtual or relative pathname and filename of your content schedule file. You cannot use physical paths or absolute URLs (those beginning with http://, //, or \\) for this parameter.


<TITLE>Document List</TITLE>

 ' Dimension local variables.
Dim objContentRotr
Dim strAllHTMLContent

' Create an instance of the Content Rotator object.
Set objContentRotr = _

' Retrieve all the quotes from the Quote content 
' schedule file for December. The call to GetAllContent 
' will separate each HTML snippet from the Content
' Schedule file with an <HR> tag.
strAllHTMLContent = objContentRotr.GetAllContent( _

' Now you can add the content thus retrieved to the 
' HTML sent to the client.
All quotes:<BR>
<%= strAllHTMLContent %>
. . . [additional HTML and code]


The primary use for this method is for maintenance of the content schedule file.

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