
File — objASPError.File


The File property contains the full path to the file containing the error-producing code. This filename contains the full path of the file from the web root.




This example uses the error-generating scripts listed at the end of the Comments/Troubleshooting section. It assumes that the following code has been added to the default custom error script, 500-100.ASP:

**** BEGIN File Example Script ****
' This script demonstrates the use of the File
' property of the ASPError object.
Dim objMyASPError

Set objMyASPError = Server.GetLastError( )

Response.Write "The value of the File property is " & objMyASPError.File
**** END File Example Script ****

When the error-generating scripts are executed, the preceding File script generates the following three responses:

Error Generating Script #1:

The value of the File property is /errorgen1.asp

Error Generating Script #2:

The value of the File property is /errorgen2.asp

Error Generating Script #3:

The value of the File property is /errorgen3.asp


Note that the file path is listed from the web server's root path, not from the root of the current application.

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