
Clickable — objAdRot .Clickable = blnClickable


Sets or returns whether the ad graphic represents a clickable image that will redirect the client to a URL for the ad's home page.



A Boolean value that determines whether the ad graphic, when clicked, will transport the user to the homepage of the ad. The default value is True.



' The following code creates an Ad Rotator object and
' sets its Clickable property to False. This makes the
' ad a standalone image that is not clickable by the
' client.

Dim objAdRot

Set objAdRot = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator")
objAdRot.Clickable = False



If the Clickable property is set to True, you must have a URL set for this ad in the rotator schedule file or you must use a redirection file with a default URL. If the Clickable property is set to False for the component, the ad's URL in the rotator schedule file will be ignored.

In addition to this example, see the full example at the end of this chapter.

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