
Border — objAdRot .Border = intSize


Sets the thickness (in pixels) of the line around your advertisement graphic.



The thickness of the ad graphic's border in absolute number of pixels


' The following code creates an Ad Rotator object and sets
' border thickness to two pixels. When displayed, the ad
' graphic will be surrounded by a two-pixel border, regardless
' of the setting for the border width in the schedule file. 

Dim objAdRot

objAdRot = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator")
objAdRot.Border = 2



The default border thickness is whatever is set by the [BORDER] value in the Ad Rotator schedule file. If you set a value for the Border property, it will override that set in the schedule file.

In addition to the preceding example, see the full example at the end of this chapter.

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