
Using the Content Linking component is simple. Remember to separate each field in the Content Linking file with a tab character and each line with a single carriage return/linefeed combination.

One excellent use of the Content Linking component that I have seen is to dynamically generate a table of contents for your site. For example, the following code reads the Content Linking list called MyContentList.TXT and from it generates a table of contents. For more details about the methods used, see the following Methods reference.

' Dimension local variables.
Dim objNextLink
Dim intTotalCount
Dim intCounter

' Instantiate a NextLink object for this script.
Set objNextLink = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")

' Retrieve a total count of items in the Content Linking 
' file.
intTotalCount = _

' Iterate through all the items in the Content Linking 
' list and generate an entry in an ordered list.
For intCounter = 1 to intTotalCount
   strOutput = objNextLink.GetNthURL("/MyContentList.TXT", _

   <!-- Create a hyperlink to the URL for the current item -->
   <!-- in the list. -->
   <A HREF= "<%=strOutput%>">

   <!-- Retrieve the text description for that URL. -->
   <%=objNextLink.GetNthDescription("/MyContentList.TXT", _

' Release the memory held for the NextLink object.
Set objNextLink = Nothing

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