Content Linking List

The list of documents you wish to link one after another in your web site. For each entry in this list, there is a URL, a text description for the page, and an optional comment about the page. This file can reside anywhere on your server as long as it is within the directory structure of a virtual root. You can assign this file any legal filename.

Each line of the Content Linking file must match the following format:

                  DocumentURL  [DocumentDesc  [Comment]]

where each segment per line is separated by a single Tab character, and each line is separated from the next using a single carriage return/linefeed combination. The first segment, the DocumentURL, is the only required segment. This and the other two segments are described here:


A mandatory part of each content line in the list, it is a string value representing the full virtual or relative path to the web document. You cannot use physical paths, and you cannot use absolute URLs (those beginning with http://, //, or \\). If you do so and attempt to call one of the following methods, an error will be raised. When filling your Content Linking list file, ensure that each line is distinct and that you avoid any pages with a next or previous page that references the same URL.


An optional string describing the web page pointed to by the DocumentURL string. You can use it to display a name or other descriptive information for its link. You cannot have a tab within the DocumentDesc segment.

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