Server-Side Includes

Similar to preprocessing directives, Server-Side Includes allow you to include various values (for instance, the last modified date of a file) or a complete file in your script. The following are the Server-Side Include directives supported by IIS:


Configures the format for error messages, dates, and file sizes as they are returned to the client browser


Inserts the value of an environment variable (equivalent to the various elements of the Request object's ServerVariables collection) into a client's HTML page


Inserts the results of a command-line shell command or application


Inserts the last modified date/time for the current page


Inserts the file size of the current file


Includes the contents of another file into the current file

All directives are allowed in HTML. Only the #include directive, however, is allowed in both HTML and ASP pages. The #include directive is the only one detailed here.

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