Resolution in the Predicate Calculus

16.1 Unification

I abbreviate wffs of the form (∀ξ1, ξ2,…, ξn)(λ1 ∨ λ2 ∨ … ∨ λk) by λ1 ∨ λ2 ∨ … ∨ λk, where λ1, λ2, …, λk are literals that might contain occurrences of the variables ξ1, ξ2, …, ξn. That is, I simply drop the universal quantifiers and assume universal quantification of any variables in the λi. (Later, I will show how any existentially quantified variables can be eliminated first.) Wffs in this abbreviated form are called clauses. Sometimes I write a clause using set notation {λ1, λ2, …, λk} and assume disjunction among the elements of the set.

If two clauses have matching but complementary literals, we can resolve them—just as in the propositional calculus. If we have a literal, λ(ξ), in one ...

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