

actionable agenda items, 93

activities, listening, 236–237

Add to Cart interaction case study, 168–169


actionable items, 93

adding inline screenshots with, 93

explaining purpose of meeting using, 73–74

focusing less on, 61

making list for, 74–75

practice talking through, 75–77

using to present flow of ideas, 66–67

writing notes within items on, 92


getting, 163–175

about, 164

being direct, 164–165

case studies of responses, 166–175

forcing hand off stakeholders, 165

highlighting benefits or consequences, 165

ideal response, 163–164, 166–175

security blanket statement, 165

lock-in, 164, 167–174


creating, 68–71

getting team, 36–37

making list of, 37

proposing, 135–137

Apple, 5, 7, 15

app projects, design project checklist for, 221–223


focusing on being, 90–91

importance of being, 26–28

usability test for being, 76–77

artistic endeavors, pursuing, 231–233

The Art of Charm (podcast), 112, 115, 116, 122

asking questions. See questions

attention, drawing user, 147–148

Atwood, Jeff, on the duck as feature, 203–204

authentic, being, 112, 113

Axure, 64–65


banded banners case study, 171

Bell, Alexander Graham, on preparation, 61

Bell, Jon, on McDonalds theory, 187

benefits, highlighting, 165

The Big Idea (Ferguson), 107

bike-shedding, 203–204

blame game, 200

block of time, scheduling designing in, 235–236

branding, 118, 146, 169–170

Brown, Tim., Change by Design, 13

budget, insufficient, 158

bullet list, 92


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