Code basics – Arduino C

The Arduino uses a slightly reduced C/C++ programming language. In this recipe, we will remember a few basics of C/C++.

Getting ready

Ensure that you have the Arduino IDE running on a computer.

How to do it…

Here is a simple example of basic Arduino C/C++ manipulating two variables:

// Global Variables
int var1 = 10;
int var2 = 20;

void setup() {
  // Only execute once when the Arduino boots
  var2 = 5; // var2 becomes 5 once the Arduino boots

void loop(){
  // Code executes top-down and repeats continuously
  if (var1 > var2){ // If var1 is greater than var2
    var2++; // Increment var2 by 1
  } else { // If var1 is NOT greater than var2
    var2 = 0; // var2 becomes 0

How it works…

The code plays with two integer variables. Here ...

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