A mini PIR-Arduino alarm

Let's get started. We are going to create a setup in which an LED flashes when motion is detected by the PIR sensor. This is what the setup should look like when connecting the Arduino to the PIR Sensor:

A mini PIR-Arduino alarm

Basically, the connections are as follows:

  • GND → GND
  • VCC → 5V
  • OUT → D02 (digital pin 2)


Digital pins are denoted using D and analog pins are denoted by A. So digital pin 13 is D13 and analog pin 2 is A02.

Open Arduino and load the sketch called PIR_LED.ino, or copy this:

int ledPin = 13; // use the onboard LED int pirPin = 2; // 'out' of PIR connected to digital pin 2 int pirState = LOW; // start the state of the PIR to be ...

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