
Parts List

The following is a list of parts needed to build the projects in each of the chapters. Images of all the parts can be found in the corresponding chapters. Each of the parts can easily be found online on web sites like SparkFun for electronic parts and for LEGO parts.

Chapter 1: LEGO, Arduino, and the Ultimate Machine


1 Arduino Uno

1 Adafruit Industries Motor Shield

1 standard servo, TowerPro SG-5010

1 toggle on/off switch


29 black 4 x 10 plates

5 black 2 x 10 plates

4 black 2 x 4 plates

2 black 1 x 2 plates

2 black 1 x 1 plates

5 black 1 x 4 plates

3 black 2 x 2 plates

3 black 4 x 6 plates ...

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