Create a dedicated directory and feature module

For that reason, we want to place everything in a dedicated directory, jedi. The easiest way to do that is to use the Angular CLI and run the following commands:

ng g module jedi

The preceding code will generate the following files:

jedi/  jedi.module.ts

Place yourself in your newly created jedi directory and type the following:

ng g component jedi-list

This will add the following structure to your jedi directory:

jedi/  jedi.module.ts  jedi-list/    jedi-list.component.html    jedi-list.component.ts    jedi-list.component.css    jedi-list.component.spec.ts

However, we have created the jedi-list.component and its belonging files in a previous section, so we will remove those scaffolded files for now and just ...

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