Adding the component

This one comes in two parts, the HTML template and the class file. Let's start with the class file:

// counter/counter-list/counter-list.component.tsimport { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";import { AppState } from "../../app-state";import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";import { addItem, removeItem } from "./counter-list.actions";@Component({  selector: "app-counter-list",  templateUrl: "./counter-list.component.html",  styleUrls: ["./counter-list.component.css"]})export class CounterListComponent implements OnInit {  list$;  newItem: string;  counter: number;  constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {    this.counter = 0;    this.list$ = => state.counter.list);  }  ngOnInit() {}  add() { ...

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