Writing your first marble test

Let's create a new file marble-testing.spec.ts. It should look like the following:

// marble-testing\MarbleTesting\src\app\marble-testing.spec.tsimport { cold } from "jasmine-marbles";import "rxjs/add/operator/map";describe("marble tests", () => {  it("map - should increase by 1", () => {    const one$ = cold("x-x|", { x: 1 });    expect(one$.map(x => x + 1)).toBeObservable(cold("x-x|", { x: 2 }));  });});

A lot of interesting things are happening here. We import the function cold() from the NPM library marble-testing. Thereafter we set up a test suite by calling describe(), followed by a test specification, by calling it(). Then we call our cold() function and provide it a string. Let's have a close look at that function ...

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