Going from forRoot() to forFeature()

To solve the mess we are creating in app.module.ts, we will now use a method called forFeature() on StoreModule that will allow us to set up the states we need per feature module. Let's take the existing setup and refactor that:

// app.module.tsStoreModule.forRoot({  }) // this would be empty

We move our two reducer entries to their respective feature modules, counter.module.ts and jedi.module.ts. That would now look like this:

// counter.module.ts@NgModule({  imports: [StoreModule.forFeature(    // add reducer object here  )]})// jedi.module.ts@NgModule({  imports : [StoreModule.forFeature(  // add reducer here  )]})

We left out the implementation on purpose here because we need to take a step back. Remember when ...

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