Best practices

The following files points to the demo project Chapter9/BestPractices.

So far, we have created some working code, but it could look a lot better, and be less error prone as well. There are steps we can take to improve the code, those are:

  • Get rid of so-called magic strings and rely on constants
  • Add a default state to your reducer
  • Create so-called action creators
  • Move everything into a dedicated module and split up it up into several components

Let's have a look at our first bullet point. Given the type of actions we perform on our jediList, we can create a constants.ts file for them, like so:

// jedi.constants.tsexport const ADD_JEDI = 'ADD_JEDI';export const REMOVE_JEDI = "REMOVE_JEDI";export const LOAD_JEDIS ="LOAD_JEDIS"; ...

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