

ABLE (Adventure Based Learning Experiences), 40, 42, 46

Achievement, need for, 138

Action judgments, 71

Adler, Mitchel, 70, 72

Adversity degrees of, 31

and World War II combat survivors, 32

Aim frames, 98

Ambiguity ability to embrace, 12

dealing with, 25, 2728

positive aspects of, 2627

role of in organizational leadership and decision making, 27

Amygdala, 145, 149, 150, 152

Analysis, defined, 139

Anticipatory reality, 85, 86

Appreciable world, defined, ix

Appreciating positive possibility, 13, 6778

at Delaware Valley Friends School (DVFS), 4041

defined, 67

real-world examples of, xiii, 7475

seeing the best in people, 7374

Appreciation Adler’s definition of, 70

building a culture of, 4950

and coping with stress, 72

critics of, ...

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