
Well, who to thank for all the help? First, thanks to all the people who supported me throughout this process. There were many, but a few stand out for special mention: all my friends and clients who cut me a little slack when I might have been slightly unresponsive during the final push to finish everything; my friends in the travel industry who inspired the case study; everyone at Cutter Consortium for constant encouragement; SOAInstitute for providing a forum to teach and discuss all things SOA; Robert Elliott at Wiley, who had the uncanny timing to call me during a lull in my consulting practice and ask if I wanted to be involved in an SOA book; and Sydney Jones, our project editor, for putting up with our changes and delays. I hope she wasn’t just being nice when she said we weren’t the worst group of authors ever. Thanks to Jim Amsden, a friend and colleague, who also turned out to be the best technical editor you could imagine; Jeroen van Tyn and Laura O’Brian for the great Business Use Cases in Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendix A; my good friend Ken Orr for teaching me about business architecture, processes, and semantics over the years; my coauthors, for contributing to a collaborative project where we all learned from each other and everyone’s chapters, and the book, benefited; and most importantly, to my awesome wife, Tamar Krichevsky, who not only put up with it all, but who also read every single chapter of the book and compiled and wrote the fantastic ...

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