List of Tables

  1. 1.1 Regression Results Under Different Missing Data Mechanisms, Using Full Data, Data with Completely Observed Values, and Data with Missing Values, Respectively
  2. 1.2 Missing Data Pattern for SCL-20 Scores Over Time
  3. 4.1 Linear Regression with Y2 as Outcome
  4. 4.2 Linear Regression with Y2 as Covariate
  5. 4.3 Cross-Sectional Analysis Result for the IMPACT study
  6. 4.4 Cross-Sectional Analysis Result for the NACC Study
  7. 4.5 Bayesian Analysis Results for the NHANES Example
  8. 4.6 Regression Analysis for the Cross-Sectional Simulated Data Based on Imputation Methods
  9. 4.7 The Estimated Location and Scale Parameters with the Associated Standard Errors for the NACC Data
  10. 5.1 The Missing Data Pattern in the SCL-20 Scores at Baseline, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 Months
  11. 5.2 Missing Data Pattern for the UDS Data
  12. 5.3 Common Choices of Working Correlation Ri with the Cluster Size ni = 4
  13. 5.4 Percentages of Missingness by Treatment and Month
  14. 5.5 Estimates Based on the Complete-Case Analysis
  15. 5.6 Estimates Based on the Available Data Analysis
  16. 5.7 Estimates Based on the LOCF Analysis
  17. 5.8 The Average of Estimated Regression Parameters for the Full Data Estimator, Available Case Analysis (GEE), IPWGEE1, and IPWGEE
  18. 5.9 Estimates Based on the IPWGEE1 Analysis
  19. 5.10 Estimates Based on the IPWGEE2 Analysis
  20. 5.11 Analysis Results of NACC UDS Data
  21. 5.12 Estimates Based on the Multiple Imputation with Monotone Missingness
  22. 5.13 Estimates Based on the Multiple Imputation with Multivariate Normal Distribution
  23. 5.14 ...

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