


business layers, 103-105

data source resource references, 67-68

getters and setters, 41

iBATIS frameworks, 68, 71-75

Spring DAO framework, adding, 76-80

testing, 80-81

transactions, 82

loggers, 43-44

role-based, 151

Web services, 189

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) tests, 82

ad hoc project methodology, 254


bookmarks, 165

filters to login processes, 236-237

flexibility into layers, 21

shared libraries, 116

Spring DAO frameworks, 76-80

aggregation, 151

portlets, 154

agile approaches to unit testing, 59

agile project methodology, 254

Alcott, Tom, 34

aliases, creating authentication, 269-271

analysis, packages, 244

annotations, 84-88

@JPAManager, 88

@Lob, 86

@ManytoOne, 86

@OnetoMany, 86


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