
The keyword it represents the target. This can be useful in helping you understand who the target is. It can also be useful as an explicit target, in situations where AppleScript would otherwise misinterpret your meaning. In situations where you would say of it after a word, you may say its before that word instead.

This example shows it used while debugging, to make sure we understand who the target is:

tell application "Finder"
        tell folders
                it -- every folder of application "Finder"
        end tell
end tell

We have already seen (Section 9.2.1) the need for it when accessing a script object’s top-level entities within a tell block addressed to the script object. Without it, this code fails:

script myScript
        property x : 5
end script
tell myScript
        display dialog x -- error
end tell

There is no x in scope, so there’s a runtime error. Similarly, if there were an x in scope, AppleScript would identify this x with that x, rather than with myScript’s property x, unless we use it:

script myScript
        property x : 5
end script
set x to 10
tell myScript
        display dialog its x -- 5
               , but 
                if we omit its
end tell

When targeting an application, however, there is generally no need for it used in this way. That’s because, unlike a script object, an application has a dictionary, so AppleScript knows when you’re saying the name of a property of that application. For example, the Finder has a property home; there is no need for its to tell AppleScript that we mean the Finder’s home rather than a variable ...

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