
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


" (double quote), Data Types
string data type and, Description
& (ampersand)
& operator, &
return constant and, return
' (single quote), Data Types
() (parentheses), Subroutines
() operator, ( )
* (asterisk)
* operator, *
+ (plus sign)
+ operator, +
- (minus sign)
- operator, -
/ (forward slash)
/ operator, / ÷ div
in directory paths, Conventions Used in This Book
< (left angle bracket)
< <= operators, ≤ <=
= (equal sign)
= operator, =
> (right angle bracket)
> >= operators, > , ≥ >=
\\\\ (backslash), Examples
\\\\ (escape character), Examples
^ (caret sign)
^ operator, ^
[] (square brackets)
[a] reference to operator, [a] reference to
_ (underscore), Naming Identifiers or Variables and Functions
in positional parameters, Subroutines with Positional Parameters
in variable names, Variables
_ operator, Description
{} (curly braces), Data Types, Dictionary classes
font characteristics and, Dictionary classes
| (pipe character), Naming Identifiers or Variables and Functions
in variable names, Variables
¬ (guillemet characters), Description
¬ (line continuation character), Line Continuation Character
in Script Editor, Line Continuation Character
¸ (division sign), Description

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