
Symbols and Numbers

‘ (apostrophe) key, for Safe Zones, 124, 296, 301

2D groups

cameras and, 446–447

converting to 3D, 440–446

mixing with 3D groups, 463–465

2D/3D icon

Andy Irons group and, 443

switching to a 2D group with, 463


advanced features. see advanced 3D features

building a scene in. see 3D scenes, building

using Basic Motion behaviors in, 191–197

3D Grid, 481

3D overlays

cameras and, 448–450

moving groups in 3D space with, 453

3D particle emitter, 330–331

3D scenes, building

3D transformations in the Canvas, 434–440

adding a camera, 446–448

arranging groups, 454–458

arranging/modifying groups and layers, 453

converting 2D groups to 3D, 440–446

mixing 2D and 3D groups, 463–465

modifying layers in 3D space, 458–462

overview, ...

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