


An image resolution in the RGB color space, usually 2048 x 1556 pixels for a 1.33:1 aspect ratio (Native 2K). The minimum bit depth is 10 bits (linear or log). Other 2K formats include Academy 2K (1828 x 1332, 1.37:1) and Digital Cinema 2K (2048 x 858, 2.39:1 or 1998 x 1080, 1.85:1).

3D color space scope

A video scope displaying chroma and luma in a single view that you can manipulate in 3D space. Color is represented by one of four color models: RBG, HSL, Y’CBCR, or ITP.



A compressed duplicate of the project, stored within the project bundle itself. The archive file lacks the thumbnail and Still Store image files of the full version, saving only the state of the internal project file, Timeline, shot settings, grades, corrections, ...

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