Connecting the app to the Google Fusion Table

So far, we have created a Fusion Table and the GUI for the RSVP_Screen, and established our Google API credentials. Now it is time to create the code for RSVP_Screen.

Our goal

When the user clicks the Send RSVP button:

  1. The app takes the name from the NameTextBox, the selection from the NumGuestListPicker, and the contents of the ItemsBringingTextBox and inserts them as a single row in the appropriate column in the Fusion Table.
  2. Then the app clears textboxes and reset the Listpicker selection to 1.

We created the service-level credentials (the .p12 file and the service-level email address) so that our app is authorized to send or receive information from Google Fusion Tables. Next, we need to provide the ...

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