
To friends and family (you know who you are) who never gave up on me and have showered me with praise and support, allowing me to be the person I am today. I stand here because of you, and I will never forget that.

To Anthony Robbins and Tim Ferris, you have inspired me and unleashed a man with a mission that will carry on a movement to benefit the world. Thank you. You are my true heroes.

Special thanks to Tayfun Karadeniz aka TK, aka TNutz. Without you, none of this would have been possible. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have the life I have today. We are brothers from other mothers, and it has been an honor to be your business partner. We have many more battlefields to conquer, and I can say there is no one else I'd rather have by my side.

To Kate James, aka Super Kate, for being the glue that has held everything together. Thanks for being a rock star and for dealing with my nomadic, chaotic tendencies.

To my mother, Charlene Dindo, who, at every stage, has been by my side in full support. Thank you for caring and protecting me from the world. I am proud to be your son, and this light will continue to shine bright in honor of you.

To Robert Dindo. Without your faith in me and your $1,800 to get me started in this business venture, my dream life would have only been a figment of my imagination. I am thankful for you, and all your support; you were there when times were tough, and I'll never forget that.

To Alan Johanson. I'm glad I picked up the ...

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