
Your Golden App-ortunity

How to Create Hit Apps

More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.

—Napoleon Hill

Every New Year's Eve, besides partying like it's the end of the world and drinking alcohol like it's the only beverage left on Earth, my buddy Greg puts together a list of goals he wants to achieve.

Without fail, the number one item on his list is to work out and create that beach body he's been thinking about since he lost it freshman year of college. He becomes consumed with thoughts of how he will start a new fitness regimen January 1, and what his new look will mean to his life, like this is the year it will all change for him.

Year after year, like a broken record, we watch as Greg runs to the local gym without a good thought-out plan and thinking that action alone will yield the results he wants. Although he makes some progress, getting toned up for one or two months, his efforts are unsustainable. He gets hurt or loses interest, and gives up with pure disgust in himself. His New Year's goal becomes shattered again, and he lives the rest of the year telling himself, This isn't for me, and I'm not that guy, missing out on the outcome he was an inch away from achieving.

Do you know anyone like this?

The same thing happens to most newbie appreneurs. They rush into this business, with lots of hope and dollar signs flashing in front ...

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