
First and foremost, we both owe our family a big thank you for their continued support and encouragement. Neither of us would have made it where we are today without the support of Jack, Seth, and each other.

Someone once said it takes a village to raise a child. We don't know whether that's true or not, but it sure feels like it takes a village to create a book like what you hold in your hands. Specifically, we owe special thanks to Stephanie McComb, our Acquisitions Editor, and Jama Carter, our Project Editor. They somehow always managed to stay calm even when we were being stubborn.

We also owe our gratitude to our technical editor, Paul Sihvonen-Binder, for making sure that we really are leading you in the right direction.

We both want to thank our friends at Apple involved with Aperture, especially Kirk Paulsen, Martin Gisborne, and Joe Schorr for working hard to create such an amazing program that's completely optimized our workflows.

Josh wants to thank his friends and co-workers at Pixar, including Trish Carney, Jeremy Lasky, Patrick Lin, Eben Ostby, and Matt Silas. You guys always provide great inspiration and are just awesome people. To his friend Michelle Safer: thank you for always being there to provide moral support. Last but certainly not least, he owes his continued gratitude to his high school English teacher Claudia Skerlong, for teaching him to write well; although he thinks he heard she once started a betting pool about whether his authoring a book ...

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